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Practical Econometrics for Researchers, Beginners and Advanced-Level Users (PERBA)
Free-to-Watch Videos
How to import data from Excel into Stata (12:11)
How to import data from Excel into EViews (15:28)
Introduction to Limited Dependent Variable Models (LDVM) (7:52)
Stata16: Specify, Estimate and Interpret Linear Probability Model (LPM) (15:31)
EViews10: Specify, Estimate and Interpret Linear Probability Model (LPM) (15:08)
Resource for Students and Researchers
Stata16: Interpret Descriptive Statistics (9:04)
EViews10: Interpret Descriptive Statistics (7:29)
Stata16: Interpret Correlation Analysis (11:53)
EViews 10: Interpret Correlation Analysis (4:44)
Multicollinearity - Detection and Correction (9:02)
Stata16: Features of Regression Output (13:17)
EViews10: Features of Regression Output (12:21)
Mitigate Missing Values with Averaged Data (10:49)
Logit and Probit Models
Introduction to Logistic (Logit) Models (11:40)
EViews10: Logit Estimation (4:08)
EViews10: Logit Interpretations (10:51)
Stata16: Logit Estimation (4:51)
Stata16: Logit Interpretations (9:13)
Introduction to Probit Model (8:36)
EViews10: Probit Estimation (4:46)
EViews10: Probit Interpretations (4:54)
Stata16: Probit Estimation (4:33)
Stata16: Probit Interpretations (6:55)
Stata16: Goodness-of-fit_Logit & Probit (6:13)
Stata16: Models Comparison_LPM, Logit & Probit (5:55)
Ordered Probit Models (OPM)
Introduction to Ordered Probit Models (10:10)
Stata16: Ordered Probit, Estimations (5:48)
Stata16: Ordered Probit, Results Interpretations (15:53)
Stata16: Ordered Probit, Marginal and Impact Effects (6:35)
Multinomial Logit and Probit Models
Introduction to Multinomial Logit Model (12:19)
Introduction to Multinomial Probit Model (3:29)
Panel VAR-GMM Technique
Introduction to PVAR-GMM (11:01)
Stata16: PVAR-GMM, Estimations (15:33)
Stata16: PVAR-GMM Post-Estimations_Granger (8:24)
Stata16: PVAR-GMM Post-Estimations_IRF (9:22)
Stata16: PVAR-GMM Post-Estimations_FEVD (5:29)
Models and Functional Forms
Introduction to Models and Functional Forms (5:37)
EViews10: Level-Level Models and Interpretation (5:12)
EViews10: Level-Log Models and Interpretation (4:03)
EViews10: Log-Log Models and Interpretation (4:00)
EViews10: Log-Level Models and Interpretation (3:47)
EViews10: Mixed Models and Interpretation (6:14)
Stata16: Level-Level Models and Interpretation (6:00)
Stata16: Level-Log Models and Interpretation (3:47)
Stata16: Log-Log Models and Interpretation (3:46)
Stata16: Log-Level Models and Interpretation (3:37)
Stata16: Mixed Models and Interpretation (5:56)
Threshold Regression Models
Introduction to Threshold Regressions (12:32)
Introduction to Threshold (Addendum) (3:51)
Stata16: Static Threshold Analysis (11:01)
Stata16: Dynamic Threshold Analysis (6:29)
EViews10: Static Threshold Analysis (7:20)
EVies10: Dynamic Threshold Analysis (6:33)
Stata16: How to Determine Thresholds (6:22)
Stata16: The "xthenreg" Specifics (5:27)
Stata16: Threshold Analysis Specification 1 (9:55)
Stata16: Threshold Analysis Specification 2 (7:34)
Stata16: Threshold Analysis Specification 3 (7:20)
Stata16: Threshold Analysis Specification 4 (6:48)
Stata16: Threshold Analysis Specification 5 (4:46)
Quantile Regression Modelling
Introduction to Quantile Regressions (10:17)
EViews10: Quantile Regressions - An Example (11:24)
Stata16: Quantile Regressions - An Example (11:07)
Quadratic Modeling
Introduction to Quadratic Modeling (7:01)
Stata16: Quadratic Modelling - An Example (6:57)
EViews10 Quadratic Modelling - An Example (5:16)
Dummy Variables
Introduction to Dummy Variables (13:11)
Dummy Variables, Cross-sectional Data (1) (18:43)
Dummy Variables, Cross-sectional Data (2) (4:54)
Dummy Variables, Cross-sectional Data (3) (13:37)
Dummy Variables, Panel Data (Introduction) (11:01)
Dummy Variables, Panel Data (Countries) (13:07)
Dummy Variables, Panel Data (Regions) (11:00)
Dummy Variables, Panel Data (Years) (9:59)
Moderation Modelling
Introduction to Moderation Modelling (23:08)
Stata16: Moderation Modelling, Panel Data (1) (11:18)
Stata16: Moderation Modelling, Panel Data (2) (6:33)
Stata16: Moderation Modelling, Panel Data (3) (7:50)
EViews10: Moderation Modelling, Panel Data (1) (10:38)
EViews10: Moderation Modelling, Panel Data (2) (5:35)
Stata16: Moderation Modelling, Time Series (1) (10:00)
Stata16: Moderation Modelling, Time Series (2) (5:43)
Stata16: Moderation Modelling, Time Series (3) (8:56)
EViews10: Moderation Modelling, Time Series (1) (9:59)
EViews10: Moderation Modelling, Time Series (2) (5:43)
Contemporaneous Correlation Techniques - Introduction
Introduction to Contemporaneous Correlation techniques (16:44)
Stata16: Panel-Corrected Standard Errors (PCSE) Technique (Part 1) (17:04)
Stata16: Panel-Corrected Standard Errors (PCSE) Technique (Part 2) (16:16)
Stata16: Feasible Generalised Least Squares (FGLS) Estimations (13:51)
Instrumental Variables (Cross-Sectional Data)
Introduction to IV Estimations (16:13)
OLS Technique_IV on Bivariate Model (8:08)
IV Technique_IV on Bivariate Model (5:20)
2SLS Technique_IV on Bivariate Model (9:10)
ivreg&ivregress_IV Estimations on Bivariate Model (6:44)
Bivariate Results_IV Estimations (4:28)
OLS Technique_IV on Multivariate Model (4:01)
IV Technique_IV on Multivariate Model (3:13)
2SLS Technique_IV on Multivariate Model (5:24)
ivreg&ivregress_IV Estimations on Multivariate Model (4:30)
Multivariate Results_IV Estimations (3:00)
Sargan Instrument Exogeneity Test (6:05)
Wu-Hausman Instrument Exogeneity and Relevance Tests (10:06)
Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
Introduction to Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (8:55)
Stata16: Create Index Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) (8:30)
Teach online with
EViews10: Probit Interpretations
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