Practical Econometrics for Researchers, Beginners and Advanced-Level Users (PERBA)
Comprehensive tutorials on hands-on applied econometrics
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Practical Econometrics for Researchers, Beginners and Advanced-Level Users (PERBA) is strictly about hands-on applied econometrics. A “Do-As-I-Do” approach is adopted to engage enrolees/users. This course will cover topics from beginner category to advanced econometrics with practical real-life applications. You will be able to finish your dissertations/theses and manuscripts and interpret your results with greater confidence. Topics will include but not limited to the following: Classical Linear Regression Model, Dummy Variables, Causality Models, Limited Dependent Variable Models, Cointegration and Error Correction Models, Time-Varying Coefficient Models, Dynamic Heterogeneous Panels, Threshold Analysis, Quantile and Inter-Quantile Analysis, Distributed Lag Models, Structural Equation Models, Time Series Modelling and Forecasting, Duration Models, Modelling Long-Run Relationships, Modelling Volatility and Correlation, Switching and State Space Models, Traditional Panel Data Models, Panel Cointegration, Difference-in-Difference Models, Cross-Sectional Analysis…and so much more!
Overall Learning Outcomes:
1. Improved use of econometric software
2. Modelling economic and financial data
3. Report writing
4. Self-testing assessments
5. Results interpretation
Your Instructor
Bosede Ngozi ADELEYE an alumnus of the University of Sussex, UK holds a PhD degree in Economics from Covenant University, Nigeria. She is quantitative-inclined with strong proficiency in Stata and EViews analytical software. She is the Founder of CrunchEconometrix a digital platform designed to teach hands-on applied econometrics to beginners, intermediate, and advanced level users. Her YouTube Channel has 168 videos and over 33k subscribers with more than 4 million views. Her research interests revolve around issues related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). She is an aspiring Data Analyst and a reviewer of several international journals.
Course Curriculum
PreviewHow to import data from Excel into Stata (12:11)
PreviewHow to import data from Excel into EViews (15:28)
PreviewIntroduction to Limited Dependent Variable Models (LDVM) (7:52)
PreviewStata16: Specify, Estimate and Interpret Linear Probability Model (LPM) (15:31)
PreviewEViews10: Specify, Estimate and Interpret Linear Probability Model (LPM) (15:08)
StartStata16: Interpret Descriptive Statistics (9:04)
StartEViews10: Interpret Descriptive Statistics (7:29)
StartStata16: Interpret Correlation Analysis (11:53)
StartEViews 10: Interpret Correlation Analysis (4:44)
StartMulticollinearity - Detection and Correction (9:02)
StartStata16: Features of Regression Output (13:17)
StartEViews10: Features of Regression Output (12:21)
PreviewMitigate Missing Values with Averaged Data (10:49)
StartIntroduction to Logistic (Logit) Models (11:40)
StartEViews10: Logit Estimation (4:08)
StartEViews10: Logit Interpretations (10:51)
StartStata16: Logit Estimation (4:51)
StartStata16: Logit Interpretations (9:13)
StartIntroduction to Probit Model (8:36)
StartEViews10: Probit Estimation (4:46)
StartEViews10: Probit Interpretations (4:54)
StartStata16: Probit Estimation (4:33)
StartStata16: Probit Interpretations (6:55)
StartStata16: Goodness-of-fit_Logit & Probit (6:13)
StartStata16: Models Comparison_LPM, Logit & Probit (5:55)
Frequently Asked Questions
Several Free-to-Watch videos to give you some sneak peeks into the depth and quality of econometrics topics to be covered in my School. CrunchEconometrix has earned the global recognition of producing highly impacting econometrics video tutorials and the P.E.R.B.A. series promises to will be a blast!!!